do women need different financial advice to men?If you have a browse round my website you’ll see that I’m a female IFA specialising in independent financial advice to women. This naturally raises the question “Do women need different advice to men?”

The answer of course is “No”. Financial advice is financial advice regardless of whether you are male or female. But what may be different is the approach women want.

A number of women (very smart women) feel a bit uncomfortable with finances, and are lacking in confidence. These women need a little bit more hand holding than men. They need to feel they’re in a comfortable environment and able to ask any question without feeling it’s a foolish question.

Women will often feel uncomfortable with jargon and want things explained in a very down to earth way in terms they are more used to.  Again, she needs to be able to say she doesn’t understand and be given a less technical explanation.

Frequently women are more risk averse than men and their main concern is often to safeguard themselves from the downside risk rather than chase for upside gain.


So all in all, investment advice and pension advice is not gender specific. But….males and females will often want a different approach. Sometimes women feel more comfortable with a female adviser.

Women going through a divorce may often want a female adviser, particularly if their husband has been the main breadwinner and had dealt with all the finances during the marriage.

For all of the above reasons I specialise in advice to women. Therefore those women who want a female adviser can find me and appreciate the fact that I’m a specialist in this area.

Besides, if I didn’t specialise in advice to women how could I ever use my strapline: “A man is not a financial plan.”

If you’re a women looking to take control of your finances please do sign up for my eBook download. This will help you get to grips with your finances and feel more in control.

I look forward to speaking with you in the future.

Photo credit:Flickr/Dano